Global Food Safety Advisory Program

Food safety affects everyone. Consumers demand and deserve safe, hygienically-produced food. For agribusinesses—from farmers and meat producers to bakers and bottlers—food safety must be a top priority. Poor standards jeopardize consumers’ health and can also cost businesses their reputations. For more than 15 years, IFC has offered high-quality professional services to help companies apply international food safety standards and adapt sustainable business models. IFC’s support includes food safety assessments, staff training, and guidance attaining international certification. Improved food safety has helped our clients meet regional and export market requirements, attract over $607 million of investments, generate over $726 million in increased sales, realize cost savings, and strengthen their brands. The twin goals of IFC’s Food Safety Program are healthier balance sheets and high-quality food on plates.

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IFC Food Safety Handbook

A Practical Guide for Building a Robust Food Safety Management System

The 2020 edition of IFC Food Safety Handbook: A Practical Guide for Building a Robust Food Safety Management System is designed to help food companies establish, professionally maintain, and enhance food safety—steps that are essential to improving global health outcomes and improving business.

IFC Scan Guide 

Policy and Regulatory Dimension of Food Safety, Food Fortification, Food Loss and Waste, and Livestock Production


IFC Scan Guide is a tool developed by the IFC Food Safety Advisory team to help analyze the policy and regulatory dimensions of a country's national food system. It provides a list of questions to allow users to identify challenges and transformations. Such assessment can help increase efficiency in protecting consumers and improving national food safety while supporting and creating a sustainable food industry. The IFC Scan Guide incorporates years of IFC specialists' experience working in different regions and contexts.

Download Below:

Online Trainings

Food Safety Reforms, Learning from the Best:

The New Zealand Food Safety System in Case Studies

It is a self-paced learning course developed by the IFC Global Food Safety Advisory for experts involved in processes aimed at improving national food safety systems. It is continuation of a Food Safety Reform Training course developed for the Food Safety Toolkit by the World Bank that is intended to expand the knowledge base of World Bank staff on food safety reforms, thereby enhancing the staff’s ability to engage effectively with clients on food safety discussions and identify, assess, and manage food safety activities related to their operations. New Zealand’s food safety system has been selected to be used in this learning course because it is recognized as one of the best in the world. The course provides a wealth of information on food safety and shares links to tools that are used in the country to achieve great results.

Foodborne Illnesses and Personnel Hygiene

Available in six languages

Online Training

Foodborne Illnesses and Personnel Hygiene

This training course is based on internationally recognized food safety requirements, including best industry practices and includes the following topics:

  1. Importance of personnel hygiene to prevent foodborne illness and protect vulnerable groups of people.
  2. Hygiene requirements for personnel
  3. Detailed instructions and practical recommendations for effective hand washing
  4. Required hand washing facilities
  5. Knowledge check exercise

There is no charge for the use of the video and we trust that it assists you and your organization at these challenging times.

Launch Demo Course

Formation en ligne

Maladies d’origine alimentaire et Hygiène du Personnel

Nous sommes persuadés que cet outil sera très pratique pour votre personnel et vos managers. Cette formation est basée sur les exigences, reconnues internationalement, en matière de sécurité sanitaire des aliments ; et comprend les meilleures pratiques en place dans l’industrie agroalimentaire. Elle englobe les sujets suivants:

  1. L’importance de l’hygiène du personnel pour la prévention des maladies d’origine alimentaire et la protection des catégories des personnes vulnérables
  2. Les exigences en matière d’hygiène pour le personnel
  3. Des instructions détaillées et des recommandations pratiques pour un lavage efficace des mains
  4. Les installations requises pour le lavage des mains
  5. Un exercice sur la vérification des connaissances

Aucun frais n’est requis pour l’utilisation de la vidéo et nous espérons qu’elle vous aidera vous ainsi que votre organisation en ces moments difficiles.

Demarrer La Session


အစားအသောက်ကြောင့်ဖြစ်သော ရောဂါများနှင့် တ စ်ကိုယ်ရေ သန့်ရှင်းရေး

အွန်လိုင်းသင်တန်းကို ဝေမျှပေးလိုပါတယ်။ ယခုသင်တန်းဟာ နိုင်ငံတကာအသိအမှတ်ပြု အစားအသ ောက်ဘေးအန္တရာယ်ကင်းရှင်းရေး လိုအပ်ချက်များ နဲ့ အကောင်းဆုံးအလေ့အထများ အပေါ်အခြေခံထားပြ ီး အောက်ပါအစိတ်အပိုင်းများ ပါဝင်ပါတယ်။

  1. အစားအသောက်ကြောင့်ဖြစ်သော ခြင်းနှင့် ထိခိုက်လွယ်လူအုပ်စုများကို ယ်နိုင်ရေးအတွက် တစ်ကိုယ်ရေ သန့်ရှင်ရေး းကြီးပုံ
  2. အောက်ပါတို့အပါအဝင် အလုပ်ခွင်သို့ လာရောက်သ ောလူများအတွက် သန့်ရှင်းရေး
  3. ထိရောက်သောလက်ဆေးနည်းအတွက် အသေးစိတ်ညွှန်ကြ ားချက်များနှင့် လက်တွေ့ဆန်သော ျား
  4. လက်ဆေးစင်လိုအပ်ချက်များ
  5. အသိပညာစစ်ဆေးခြင်း လေ့ကျင့်ခန်း

ယခုဗွီဒီယိုကို အသုံးပြုခြင်းအတွက် အခကြေးင ွေ ပေးဆောင်စရာမလိုပါ။ ယခုလိုစိန်ခေါ်မှုများပြားလှသည့်ကာလတွင် သင ်တို့အတွက် အထောက်အကူပြု်မ့ည်ဟု ယုံကြည်ပ ါသည်။ သရုပ်ပြ သင်ခန်းစာကို ဒီမှာကြည့်ရှုနိုင်ပါ ပြီ။

သရုပ်ပြသင်ခန်းစာကို ဖွင့်ပါ။

Treinamento on line

Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos e Higiene Pessoal

Esse treinamento é baseado nos requisitos da segurança alimentar internacionalmente reconhecidos, incluindo as melhores práticas da indústria e abrange os seguintes tópicos:

  1. A importância da higiene do pessoal para evitar doenças transmitidas por alimentos e proteger os grupos de pessoas vulneráveis.
  2. Requisitos para a higiene do pessoal
  3. Instruções detalhadas e recomendações práticas para lavar as mãos de maneira eficaz
  4. Instalações exigidas para lavagem das
  5. Exercício para a verificação do conhecimento

O uso do vídeo não tem custo e esperamos que ajude você e sua organização nesses tempos difíceis.

Lançamento Do Curso De Demonstração

Formación en línea

Enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos e hygiene personal

Este curso de formación se basa en los requerimientos de seguridad alimentaria reconocidos internacionalmente, incluyendo las mejores prácticas de la industria e incluye los siguientes temas:

  1. La importancia de la higiene personal para evitar las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos y para proteger a los grupos de personas vulnerables.
  2. Los requerimientos de higiene para el personal
  3. Instrucciones detalladas y recomendaciones prácticas para un lavado de manos efectivo
  4. Instalaciones para el lavado de manos requeridas
  5. Ejercicio de verificación de conocimientos

El uso del video es gratuito y confiamos en que les ayudará y a su organización en estos tiempos desafiantes.


Đào so Trực tuyến

Các bệnh liên quan đến thực phẩm và Vệ sinhcá nhân

Khóa đào so này dựa trên những yêu cầu an toàn thực phẩm được kong nhận quốc tế, bao gồm cả những thực hành tốt nhất trong ng ành và cả những chủ đề sau:

  1. Tầm quan trọng của vệ sinhcá nhân để phòng tránh những bệnh liên quan đến thực phẩm và để bảo vệ những nhóm người dễ bị tổn thương.
  2. Những yêu cầu vệ sinh chocá nhân
  3. Hướng dẫn chi tiết và khuyến nghị thực tế để rửa tay hiệu quả
  4. Những yêu cầu về trang thiết bị để rửa tay
  5. Bài tập kiểm tra kiến ​​thức

Miễn phí khi sử dụng video và chúngtói tin rằng no sẽ hỗ trợ bạn và tổ chức của bạn trong những thời điểm thử thách này.

Chạy Khóa học Thử Nghiệm

Blogs and Articles:

Making the Difference for Women Farmers in Bangladesh

by Daphna Berman, IFC

November, 2023 | IFC Website

The IFC Scan Guide: a practical assessment tool for everyone who is involved in developing, maintaining, or improving national food systems  

by Kateryna Onul, Regulatory and Policy Lead, IFC Global Food Safety Advisory

June 30, 2022 | LinkedIn

The inevitability of proper nutrition  

by Tiago Van Zeller, Industry Specialist and Fortification Expert at IFC

June 30, 2022 | LinkedIn

Viewing Sustainability through a Food Safety Lens  

by Sarah Blanchard, Sustainable Food Practitioner and Expert at IFC

May 20, 2022 | LinkedIn

Formations virtuelles à la Sécurité des Denrées Alimentaires : la nouvelle norme 

by Ghislaine Muyangata, Food Safety Consultant at IFC

December 23, 2021 | LinkedIn

The essentials for food system transformations 

by Natia Mgeladze, Global Lead, IFC Food Safety Advisory

December 21, 2021 | LinkedIn

To learn from the best, take an e-learning course on a proven food safety system 

by Kateryna Onul, Regulatory and Policy Lead, IFC Global Food Safety Advisory

November 15, 2021 | LinkedIn

Virtual Food Safety Training: The New Normal 

by Ghislaine Muyangata, Food Safety Consultant at IFC

June 30, 2021 | LinkedIn

Food Defense and Food Fraud in GFSI Benchmarking Requirements for Food Safety Certification Programs 

by Yuriy Zvazhenko, Food Safety Specialist at IFC

June 29, 2021 | LinkedIn

Coaching: The key element for successful implementation of a sustainable Food Safety Management System

by Natia Mgeladze, Global Lead, IFC Food Safety Advisory

April 21, 2021 | LinkedIn

Prevention, Awareness & Partnership (PAP): Three Critical Elements to Strengthen Food Safety on National and Firm Levels

by Kateryna Onul, Regulatory and Policy Lead, Global Food Safety Advisory, IFC

December 22, 2020 | LinkedIn

Ensuring Safer Food for Better Lives and Business

by Tania Lozansky, Global Head, IFC Advisory for Manufacturing Agribusiness and Services

May 20, 2020 | Medium

When It Comes to the Fight for Food Safety, Process and Strategy Is No Match for Culture

by Barry Lee, Principal Industry Specialist, IFC Manufacturing, Agribusiness, and Services

November 7, 2018 | Medium

Why Now is the Time to Update Your Incident Management System - and How IFC Can Help

by Natia Mgeladze, Food Safety Specialist at IFC

April 16, 2020 | LinkedIn

Building Better Markets for Farmers

December 2018 | IFC Website

Investing in Food Safety: How Much Does It Really Cost?

by Sarah Ockman, Global Lead, IFC Food Safety Advisory

March 8, 2017 | LinkedIn

IFC’s Food Safety Advisory Program is funded by
DFAT, DIFID, GAFSP, Japan, New Zealand, Slovakia, and FIAS.

Insights & Reports